Hey Everyone, It's Tiff

The Friendship Era of Jules & Sierra

Tiff Marie Season 5 Episode 87

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Like two straws in a milkshake, life's sweeter when shared with a best friend. The kind of person who comes into your life, says "I'm here for you," and proves it. Julie and Sierra have done this for over 25 years, not only supporting, but celebrating one another as they've grown and changed along the way 👏

It had been too long since we heard from them on the pod, so we sat down on the eve of an incredible #GirlsNightOut and shot the shit about a plethora of life updates, including:

  • How Sierra got a $700 tip and being the manager folks ask to speak to 🍸
  • Why every pregnancy is different, even in the same body 
  • The pleasure and pain of telling people "no" 
  • Wildcard humans 🃏 
  • If anyone ever knows what's going to come out of my mouth...myself included
  • Compliments all around!
  • Feeling lost in different ways 
  • Friendship breakups and makeups 🌦️

Warning: Side effects of listening to this ep may include cheeky laughter, newfound wisdom, and a happy dance for your brain  🧠

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