Hey Everyone, It's Tiff

Like Mother, Like Daughters - Three Peas on a Pod

Tiff Marie Season 5 Episode 85

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If you total their appearances together, my Mom and Sister have now been on the pod 9️⃣ times. Why? They're freaking fabulous and the content creates itself folks! There is no one like them: effervescent, alive, and irresistible ✨

To walk into a family gathering of ours is essentially like walking into a stand-up show you didn't buy tickets for with lot's and lot's of crowd work. In this particular episode, Toni was home for a surprise visit and gives us a sassy life update per usual. We then say goodbye to one of our most beloved segments, as this cowgirl is officially off the market! 🤠 Tune in to process this news with us and hear when Mom knew it was serious. 

It wouldn't be a proper show without another round of Twinkle Sister's Trivia - this time more than a game, but rather a nostalgic journey down memory lane bringing to light many forgotten memories and embarrassing anecdotes🙈

To wrap it up we jump into Toni's bartending life in Nashville, highlighting the excitement of  serving celebs 🍸

Life is tough. May this pod serve as a reminder of the importance of family and the joy of being with the ones you love 💛

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, it's Tiff and this week we are family.

Speaker 2:

They are on my podcast with me.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited my mom and sister are back. Woo, this episode was going to be it was always planned to be the three of us at this time, but it was originally going to be a Zoom, where my mom and I were going to be together in person going to the Jonas Brothers concert, and my sister was going to be a national, but because she surprised me, which you already know we were able to do this in person. Lil' Kim came over halfway through and so you'll hear her amazing giggle in there. We play Twinkle Sister's Trivia brand new song for that segment and it's just a really good episode. By the way, my mom and sister have been on the podcast now, between the two of them, in addition to this week, a total of eight times. So if you can't get enough, check out episode numbers Two, eight, thirteen, twenty-seven, thirty-two, thirty-five, sixty-two and seventy-five. All right, without further ado, let's get into these two, my mom and sister.

Speaker 1:

Hey, everyone, it's Tiff. I'm here with my mom and sister. Hi, Hi, Tony wasn't even supposed to be here in person. She actually came from Tennessee real recent, last night and it was a surprise. Real recent, it was a real surprise, Tony. What are you doing here? I'm here to see Jonas. For those who don't know, this means Jonas Brothers. Can you talk a little louder? So yeah, she got me these tickets for my birthday back in. I don't even know. She told me about them before my birthday.

Speaker 2:

I had to.

Speaker 1:

I didn't want you to buy them for yourself, and so since then, we've literally been talking about it and now it's here. So, yay, we're going tomorrow. It's going to be so much fun and we were planning to do a pod. Tony was going to be on Zoom, but she's here. How does it feel to be home? It's been a minute for you. It feels good, but it's hot. It is hot.

Speaker 3:

It's hot. It's hot here.

Speaker 1:

And it's hot in this house. I thought we turned it down, we did, but she got caught. It's a war of AC here. She's not smooth. Mike's closer to your mouth please, ladies. It's in my mouth. So yeah, we're here, we're moving, we're grooving. We haven't been back on the pod since I don't know it's been several Easter.

Speaker 1:

Easter, exactly April. So five months, it's not that long. Okay, things have happened in the last five months. Tony has gotten a boyfriend and, if you recall, a lot of what this podcast was built on was down in the DMs, going down. Going down in the DMs, no more down in the DMs. So I've been trying to think of ideas for a new segment and I have one. You haven't pitched it, let's hear it. Yeah, it goes the same jingle, but it's hey, did you see him? So it's hey, did you see him? Did you see him? Did you see him? Did you see him? In reference to what Did you see?

Speaker 3:

who? Yeah, who did? I see I think she's a little Linna's what she's talking about, apparently.

Speaker 1:

Like hey, did you see him? Did you see him? Did I see who, when? But who?

Speaker 3:

My boyfriend.

Speaker 1:

That's okay. Circle back, that's what it was. Celebrities that you've spotted out your bar oh, that makes more sense. So it could be. Did you see him? Yeah, cause we need something with you. Our twinkle sister's trivia could be how about me? What are you seeing lately? But it doesn't go. I guess we could have a new jingle. We need something that's dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad. You could say did you see them? Who? Yeah, hey did you see them. Did you see them? Did you see them? We'll work on that.

Speaker 1:

It's a work in progress, for sure.

Speaker 3:

I feel like, for sure, we should have a cocktail.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, we can still pause it and get one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's do that, okay. Approximately 10 hours later.

Speaker 1:

We're here. We now have cocktails. Getting this podcast done is is rough today, folks. I don't even know what to say. We've lost all sort of control, but they're here, you you're the ringmaster? Yeah, I can't force people to do things I'm comfortable with, um, so anyway, tony's a bartender. She has a boyfriend. We don't know what to do about the segment First things first. Who is your boyfriend? The cherries want to know. Give us, like his elevator pitch, his 90 second elevator pitch.

Speaker 2:

We won't say his name. What's the last time? Nothing. This is all new, nothing.

Speaker 1:

This is all new. You were still reading frigging hinge messages last time. Oh yeah, does your new friend.

Speaker 3:

Listen to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

If you're going to look at her, you got to move your mic over there, so just push down on that thing do you want to kick me out of the pod? She's thinking about it. It's close enough. My nose is literally on it.

Speaker 3:

You keep putting your nose on it. You're a puppy. I do the ending.

Speaker 1:

I know that has to be, that's fine, so I think we should be good. Now Mom talk Check check.

Speaker 3:

Push it a little closer. Oh my God, it's practically in my mouth. There we go, okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting tough times here but we're getting it out. A couple things your boyfriend, his 90 second elevator speech. You act like I caused the interruption.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Just get back on motherfucking track. I don't know what I want to say. Hit us with the highlights. He is 28. He's from Jersey, as in new, as in the only Jersey yes, the new. I clearly have a thing for Jersey boys. Why do they put a new in front of it?

Speaker 3:

If they have a thing for Jersey boys we've had another.

Speaker 2:

Jersey boy, you know I love Jersey boy.

Speaker 1:

I enjoy, can you say the generic field like tech accounting? Yeah, what drew you to him?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, why are you like him?

Speaker 1:

After all these down in the DMs, why'd you stop at this DM? He was a DM, he was a hinty girl. Oh yeah, oh he was. So did he have a voice note? No, thank God. And his pictures weren't very telling. It was kind of annoying. He had sunglasses on and all of them but one, so I couldn't really tell if he was attractive or not. And then I was in a more open space, if you will, and I thought, worst case, it's a free cocktail. So I went.

Speaker 3:

Shallow hell.

Speaker 1:

That is not shallow hell. You got to be optimistic. Worst case, it's a free drink. I didn't think he liked me. Was he wearing sunglasses on the date? No, it was nighttime. It was late because I was late and he's very polite about me being late. Has he experienced that since?

Speaker 3:

I'm sure yes.

Speaker 1:

And he does not my favorite thing is For real.

Speaker 3:

He says the best part.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't rush me and he says take your time, I apologize for being late. And he says get here. When you get here, amazing, stunning, it is amazing, it is nice. I'm only on time if there's money on the line. Sorry, you know how I feel about this, cherries. What do I say about people who are late?

Speaker 3:

It's rude.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I read a thing. It's something mentally that people can't. It's like your program that way.

Speaker 3:

Because you're late.

Speaker 1:

There is something mental about it, like a mental aspect, so it's not really the person's fault.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but here's where I disagree with that. You just said you can be on time when money's on the line. You can be on time Because I'm scared of my boss, but you choose to be on time sometimes, so it feels. I don't choose to ever be. I'm telling you how it feels to everyone else when you choose to be late. Okay, do you want to?

Speaker 1:

get into it. I get stressed out when I have to leave my house because I feel like I'm going to burn it down in case a burner got knocked. Because of the people that I've lived with that have done stupid shit like that, I have to check everything 900 times. That's partially your fault.

Speaker 3:

I didn't burn anything down. You guys leave shoes. You know who?

Speaker 1:

the only person you check everything 900 times to. So don't even that doesn't even do with you Do. I leave random shit on a random time.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't. Yeah, you do Our last example.

Speaker 1:

You've left the door unlocked and the mirror. Oh, I forgot. I thought it was checked, because it's always checked. I don't like that. That's not a gamble. I'm taking the risk to the slider and I shouldn't have to check here.

Speaker 3:

I didn't lose my safe space. I don't even know when she's talking about. I did not leave the slider unlocked, I'm passionate about.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you have a timer too. In my 54 years, yes, my safety's been at risk, and I don't like that. I feel like well that's what it is. So I don't care how you feel, that's how it is. So that's where my neighbor has a sticker on the front of his car in the windshield that says fuck how you feel.

Speaker 3:

Well, he might not be wrong.

Speaker 1:

But like to go out of your way to purchase, to put that on.

Speaker 3:

It looks custom it looks custom.

Speaker 1:

It's like okay, well, so anyway, are you in love? Yes, I am, oh, wow. So when did you guys first drop the big L bomb? He did, obviously. How long have you been dating? Let's give context for the folks. Why, obviously I'm not saying that first in case. Stay with us, folks. We're all over the place, dating three months, seeing each other for five. I wouldn't let him ask me out because I thought it was weird to be someone's girlfriend after a certain amount of time, because how much do you really know in four weeks? You don't. And did he want to? Was he chomping at the bit? Yeah, and then how did he I could tell he was about to and I said I'm not going to say yes if he asked me out, you just could tell it was on his tongue.

Speaker 2:

You know when they get all nervous and yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let's get into it. So and then, how did he officially ask you? Well, I was drunk and I was annoyed that he hadn't asked me yet, so you didn't want him asked too soon. But then you were fucking pissed that he didn't ask soon enough yes and we were at an outdoor concert and then I was feeling myself. So I was like, are you gonna ask me out or not?

Speaker 2:

Like you told me, I kissed me until.

Speaker 1:

And then he did we gonna do this, sir what? And did you say guess, I think I like you a lot, that's not what I said. Keep going.

Speaker 3:

I didn't tell him you're gonna miss your shot.

Speaker 1:

I have played that for him before, so did you jump it like? How did you say yes? Was it with glee? Was? It just, I guess I forced him to ask me why, how? Because I said are you gonna ask me out or not? And then what did he say?

Speaker 1:

He told me I couldn't until it spends this many days. It hasn't been that many days. And I was like, okay, well, I'm feeding pretty much. And then what did you say? Will you be my girlfriend? I said I'll think about it, I'm just kidding. And I said yes. So then, how, into the five? When in the five months, did you drop the album to four? Okay, oh, so you've been saying it for the last month, yes, so how does it feel to be in love? It's been a while since you were in love, correct, correct, it feels like being in love I don't know what to tell you Feels normal, it doesn't feel different, like then the last it feels different, obviously, like it's an adult for context, I have any significant other 20s.

Speaker 1:

I had a significant other in a while, but since you've not, that in my 20s, like as an adult, yeah, so how? How is your life different now? Like how do you notice things are different? Oh, I go do more stuff, I'm more active, I'm more Selfless. Oh, do tell, wait.

Speaker 3:

She cooks a lot, which is shocking for me. I think cooking you say this shit all the time.

Speaker 1:

No, I know you go good for yourself the lines are gonna fucking too. I'm gonna put ding ding.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna put this in there, I know you cook, but for you to say he's had a rough day I'm gonna cook him dinner.

Speaker 2:

He did because he's all.

Speaker 3:

Tony, that is selfless. I'm giving you a compliment, if you would.

Speaker 1:

She's all shut the fuck up and let me give you a compliment. I am more Giving, like I would make dinner normally I'm not my issue, so you clearly do love him, I do, but I do need to get better about being mindful. Like I'll just go do stuff and not say anything and then it's been like seven hours and like, oh Right, I should probably tell him I'm alive. Yeah, but I get that because I'm similar. Yeah, I don't really check in.

Speaker 2:

I don't either. It's not personal, it's not like he cares. I want to go live like. It's not even like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't be on my phone exactly, so he knows.

Speaker 3:

Like I haven't texted since this morning, I get it.

Speaker 1:

I'll figure it out. I'm used to being and you're new. You're still in the fun hot times exactly. So you guys like doing it all over the place like parking lots. I'm here not parking lots. No outside, sorry, no outside. Um, I can't get into that.

Speaker 1:

you and I can discuss later as to, not on the pot, you mean, or when mom's gone, both. Okay, thank you. Do you have any ideas for where the segment should go off the top of my head? No, but I could think. I like that celebrity one because that's more. I like that one. Yeah, because we only check in like every six months. So you should have a batch by the time. Yeah, I've got a pretty good batch right now.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let's start it hey hey, I feel like we need to rethink that, but go did you?

Speaker 1:

are you gonna ask me if I've seen somebody or who I don't know? Hey, did you see anyone at your bar, famous list off in Rapid fire fashion, all the celebrities you've seen that since you've started your job in Nashville my job, or Broadway, I guess Broadway, if you've seen them, not just at your job. I did see Dixie D'Amelio, but I didn't give two fucks, I just walked by and everyone was like Dixie, can I take a pic?

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 1:

Who is? I would have, I 100%. No, I literally walked by and she smiled and I just kept walking. Remember dancing with stars? Charlie demilio was on it last season, the little girl, the one that was hella good Her sister.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, she's this, this, she's a singer. No, she's also famous.

Speaker 1:

It's like. It's like if tony and I got famous, yeah, the other sister like your twins that you listen to, or their yeah like alien, a j, that kind of vibe.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, saw her, didn't care, the people I was with made me stops and take a picture of them. Is Wait. So you took a picture of Dixie D'Amelio. Yeah I, derek, do you want to be in it? I was like I'm okay, tony, I don't know her, I don't care, said people that I took picture of later, hung out with them because we were supposed to go to Big Time Rush. I bailed to work. She went and got VIP Big Time Rush is still a thing.

Speaker 1:

Still a thing. She got VIP and hung out with all of them and Dixie bought her a sunnity shot.

Speaker 2:

What was that one song you had?

Speaker 1:

on your any kind of guy. Yeah, how does it start, though? It's like ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, and how's you'll hear? I'm there, that's how you wanna be.

Speaker 2:

And halfway there that's a banger A what Halfway there?

Speaker 1:

Halfway there, no, no, well, listen, lady. Anyway, celebs Jay Cutler, the comedian that I don't remember his name and everyone always tells me he's a big deal, kid Rock, christian, you said my world on fire. That's Nate.

Speaker 2:

Smith, and yes, I make him drinks all the time.

Speaker 1:

He loves me and I love you.

Speaker 2:

I always ask him you can tell me? How does he?

Speaker 1:

talk in real life, because he sounds like he's pushing one out when he sings. So how does he sound when he talks? He's like, hey, can I get? A beer no he's always so sweet.

Speaker 2:

But is it? Hey, tony, what does his voice sound like when he talks?

Speaker 1:

It sounds normal, but how does he sing like that? You know what I'm talking about. It's like I do, but like watch a video, an Instagram video. He talks normal. He's also from Chico, Did you know that?

Speaker 3:

Fun fact Never been.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you have, you've never been to Chico. Yeah, I've never been. You never came to one of my games. No, not that far. Interesting Competition, right.

Speaker 3:

You've been.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it doesn't count that way. I mean, I've never been to Chico.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I got it. Now you know what she means Totally.

Speaker 1:

Going inside a gym that I don't remember to watch a cheer competition that's not going to Chico. That's like, because I've flown over the Indian Ocean, I've been to fricking Indonesia.

Speaker 3:

Hey, making stuff up. Anyways, yes, I've also seen.

Speaker 1:

Natesmith. Thank you, I see him the most probably.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's the one who's the?

Speaker 1:

most young. Is it my world? Yes, mitchell Tenpenny, ernest. Have you seen Kelly Bowser, serene Kelly? No, I haven't seen Kelly Valerini. Can't say Michael Ray. Who the fuck is that? I never heard of that.

Speaker 2:

That sounds like someone who lives next door. You've been over to Michael Ray's lately. Chris Cagle, he's got a killer.

Speaker 1:

Michael Ray's hot Chris.

Speaker 3:

Cagle and Pierce.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Was Carly Pierce nice.

Speaker 1:

She didn't talk, she was quick. She came to watch her boyfriend play a random writers round. Mr Party worked, his party Wanna hug a dad John. Randy Hauser. So Uncle Cracker Saw him last week. So for you country fans, this all means stuff to you. Like Morgan Wallen last week came and performed while I was bartending, can you do me a favor? Sure, can you say Jesuit? You say it weird too.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't, you are just Use it in a sentence, a sentence when I would go to your track meets on Sundays, they were at Jesuit.

Speaker 1:

Say it again. No, come on, I can make a song out of it Jesuit, jesuit, jesuit, jesuit, jesuit.

Speaker 3:

I think I say it fine, jesuit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I come by this honestly, like Zou.

Speaker 1:

Papa can call.

Speaker 3:

DiGiorno, DiGiorgio.

Speaker 1:

Gay works for whatever city he goes, like Kappa Kappa. Like he goes. How's his work doing at the Kappa Kappa? I'm like the what. That's so funny. You know the Kappa, Kappa. I'm like oh, so yeah, who did you kiss today?

Speaker 2:

【ive gone yet】.

Speaker 1:

Jumping all over the place. That's weird that you didn't wake up and kiss your husband. No oh, you didn't kiss her today when she came home no, no, no, what one guess so lonely. One daughter gets that kind of oh fucking. She's all my guy did you see that she also hit me when I told her she was going to the concert. Yeah, so Tony and I tomorrow going to Jonas. It's gonna be insane because For a second we haven't gone to every single Jonas concert together, but we've been in love with Jonas together.

Speaker 1:

We've never gone separate. No, I didn't. I was in a yellow dress. I was very close because I was eye fucking Nick Jonas. It was lines, vines and trying times era. How come I wouldn't have gone? Because that was high school. It was in high school, so why would I have not gone? I don't know, so that was the only one. But anyway, we've been in love with them together since, honestly, the Hanwha Tana days.

Speaker 3:

That's how we found out that you two are going together to this yes, but it was I messed up the last one because we pre-gamed.

Speaker 1:

I somehow got further than the rest. In the parking lot had party balls, everyone had party balls. It ended up to the point where I don't remember the concert. And we're not doing that because this, when you love a band this much, it's different.

Speaker 2:

It's not a concert in the words of Jonas you're gonna want to remember this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, baby, we're gonna remember this, remember. But yes, I have seen this tour already and it was the best line of my life yeah but don't tell me what's coming. I didn't tell you anything so far. There was one song that played earlier you said I don't want to hear this anymore than I have to. So now I know they play hello beautiful.

Speaker 1:

They play that at every fucking concert. I had an example, all I'm saying. So please don't tell me when we're there, don't say this next one You're gonna hate. Just don't say, just I don't know what you do and don't hate. Yes, you do, it's the same as you. I want to tell you see, I know they're playing five albums. Obviously they're gonna play hello beautiful. Yeah, but they're not gonna play my favorite song.

Speaker 3:

What's your favorite?

Speaker 1:

if it comes down to the road meeting the rubber the rubber meeting the road I. I'm pretty, so it's probably burning up. But like right, burning up is your favorite. Yeah, but right, close second. Like I'm talking right under there, please be mine. Interesting choices. Who did you kiss today, tony, nobody, okay and I won't be short anyone until I go back to Nashville, unless Joe Jonas. Well, yeah, unless Joe. Obviously I'm there to. No, you're not.

Speaker 1:

We will not be talking, because you would be livid if I went home with Nick, if no, universe worked out that way, for I would let the chips no, you wouldn't even want to with his pepperoni nips. Stop my fault, I'm attracted to all of them. Anyway, it's good to all be back together in person. We've never done a podcast in person actually. Yes, we have. The last time I was here but you snuck in, so I was a cameo. She was asking about dinner. We've never done a try person in person I was.

Speaker 3:

I came in about dinner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I wanted bread. Yes, you always want bread always. There won't be a clip, folks. Mom didn't want one, but I do want you to know that you are missing out, because we've missed a lot of good shit here. We've missed people spitting their drinks out, we've missed full-on Jerry Springer moments and we've missed mom's face just now, when, whatever I said, I honestly can't even remember to cancel my admin.

Speaker 1:

There we go. It's too much. They're just handling admin here. So now we are going to play you know you love twinkle sisters trivia and insert new jingle here DJ selfish.

Speaker 3:

Okay, who's getting out?

Speaker 1:

I'm not getting up because I'm I'm going first.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna start our questions for twinkle sister trivia. Are you ready?

Speaker 1:

How many questions, how many bonus.

Speaker 3:

There's 10 and there's some that are two part and some.

Speaker 1:

Is this a multiple choice or a short answer?

Speaker 3:

There's a couple that are multiple choice, a couple. You guys have to know the answer. Okay, I thought this was a great one and Debbie helped me come up with this. Okay, what was the real name of the Trony at Aunt Debbie's?

Speaker 2:

Peppermint Patty, because she was mine.

Speaker 3:

Why was she a Trony? Because she was mean, she was sass, that's all you got. She had a temperament, she did, but that wasn't really the question. So what were the other horses names?

Speaker 1:

This is a bonus and easy including the ones still alive, or are we talking dead?

Speaker 3:

the horses at Aunt Debbie's horses or ponies.

Speaker 1:

Mocha sugar peppermint patty.

Speaker 3:

One more taffy. Taffy is new and no Willow. No, okay, you're gonna not gonna get a point for that. There's one more pony that you're not saying. A pony, a pony, there's two ponies. Mm-hmm, I forgot about him. It's a boy.

Speaker 1:

You can give me a clue. It's a boy. That's what we the clue. Okay, boy, did I ride him, yep, a lot? Yeah, he was gray. No, peppermint patty was gray. Yeah, I was little, he was the first pony. What's his name? I'm it's coming, give me a minute. I got nothing. Okay, no point for you.

Speaker 3:

Tell me what it is token.

Speaker 1:

You should have said he had a weird eye. I would have.

Speaker 3:

Okay, how old were you when you first drove a car and who were you with? So you guys.

Speaker 1:

Ever getting that technical. It would have been you guys on the way in, but if you want to get on the farm, then it would have been. And Debbie, how old were you? Probably like seven.

Speaker 3:

I have ten.

Speaker 1:

I was much younger. I have ten and.

Speaker 3:

Debbie, I'm probably gonna give you a plus one, okay, okay, but this one is really more for your sister. But we'll see if you know the answer. Where was Tiffany for her first drink? How old was she and was there any memorable fun facts? I believe you were there.

Speaker 1:

Here at the table is a beer of some sort and she didn't like it. I want to say like a corona. She said something weird, uncle Brian.

Speaker 3:

I know.

Speaker 1:

Something like is that what it tastes like, or that's what it's supposed to taste like?

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna give you a half on that for beer, she was 16. We were at the cabin and she asked if she could have a straw. Okay, tony, what was your punishment for the neighbors complaint on your driving? Getting my car taken away for how long a week it was cut short. Is that all you got in? What aspect?

Speaker 1:

Well, it was how to write a stupid ass letter.

Speaker 2:

Was not heartfelt.

Speaker 3:

There you go. There's your plus one, and I also.

Speaker 1:

Signed up for a bunch more activities that you would have to give it back to me because you don't want to take me.

Speaker 3:

Well, you said it was one week and it was one month, so you're only getting it wasn't a month, I'm gonna give you plus one. Switch you so okay. Before the band decided on the name Jonas Brothers, what was it gonna be? K and J Jonas trio or sons of Jonas?

Speaker 1:

sons of Jonas Ding ding, ding sister.

Speaker 3:

What's Joe's nickname?

Speaker 1:

I don't have multiple choice for this Nope. This is a recent nickname?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, it's on the trivia. Would you get this Google? Sure, he's your man and you don't know. The only one with a nickname is Frankie the bonus Jonas. I have to. This is a two-part. What is Joe's nickname? What is Nick's nickname? You got nothing. Zero. Joe's is danger, nick's is. Mr President.

Speaker 1:

You didn't specify nicknames. From the YouTube video, I would have got that.

Speaker 3:

I'm going off what I found. I should get point two. Five, for now nothing. What famous festival hosted over 350,000 fans in 1969?

Speaker 1:

would stock.

Speaker 3:

Plus one.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking about that on plain yesterday.

Speaker 3:

I don't really know what happened there before Miley Cyrus recorded wrecking ball, it was offered to what singer?

Speaker 1:

Where did you get these?

Speaker 3:

and they're no multiple choice. No pick three. There should be multiple guys. How am I supposed to know that? I don't know. Do you not know the answer? Can you pick three, including Miley? No, zero. Who Beyonce? What is Mrs Jonas first name? This is multiple choice the mom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, denise, we didn't even eat the most rice, oh please.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let's tally you up. Don't disrespect me like that. Seven and a half for Tony out of how many was 10 questions, but like some of them were two answers. So, then I did. Okay, seven and a half is what you got. How many? Well, there's 10 questions, but like this one had the bonus, I'll go seven and out of 10. I'm going with that. It's not seven and a half out of 10 because I was the most out of so.

Speaker 3:

I gave you two points for the bonus ones with sugar and mocha and you didn't know token. I also gave you a half a point for this should drink a beer, but you didn't know this age in the straw. That was not my journey. Okay, you know what you got seven and a half. It's really aggressive this week on the paper.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a podcast. Twinkle sister trivia my turn your turn.

Speaker 3:

Your sister got seven and a half points. Now you're telling her what to be so you know what to be won't impact. No, how I do what was the Trony and Aunt Deb's house real name token. Nope, wait, what's a Trony? Do you not remember the Trony? She's a pony and Debbie, so it's zero, because you said the wrong thing.

Speaker 1:

What's a Trony?

Speaker 3:

a Trony is a troll pony.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's me, I meant Patty.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, that's one.

Speaker 1:

I thought I didn't get it.

Speaker 2:

I thought I didn't get it.

Speaker 1:

I thought Trony meant when I'd pony. I knew both names. I thought I meant when I didn't get I already hit it because she already said that other thing. I didn't get hits.

Speaker 3:

I didn't give her a hint. Yes, you did, you said okay, is it your turn? Do you want to stay in the room, as you're cheating already? Okay, bonus. These are bonus questions that are super easy.

Speaker 1:

Bonus already number two.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're kind of like follow up to this. What were the other pony slash horses names in our buckle?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so token, peppermint, patty, mocha sugar and there's taffy y'all, taffy is new.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, sorry for the bonus. How old were you and you drove a car for the first time, and who were you with?

Speaker 1:

I was at the end, debbie, but I'm not sure how old 14, 13 13, but too late.

Speaker 3:

You said that one fucking clothes, so you get one for a Debbie Um Tiff. Where were you when you had your first drink? How old were you and is there any memorable facts?

Speaker 1:

I was sitting at that table over there. I had a tank top on. I was with Uncle Brian Memorable fact. I wanted to use a straw and we took a picture of me with my thumbs. So, you're wrong, because we both said it was here. No, we can conference. There is a picture, are you?

Speaker 3:

saying it wasn't here. Uncle Brian has the picture and we were at the cabin. It's not here. I thought it was here. It's here, but it was beer and it was a straw, so I'm gonna give you a. We might have to consult Uncle Brian. What was Tony's punishment for the neighbor that complained about her driving?

Speaker 1:

She had to write a letter to them and and apologize, and she had to slow down. How long was it? How long was your letter to? Be a punishment Ross, I'm sure she can go to cheer or something like that.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you get no points. What was the deal? Um, I got my car taken away. I got a car taken away for a month, but she did a PowerPoint to reduce her sentence so that she could drive, and it worked.

Speaker 1:

I thought you just wrote a letter they made me. Yes, that was written. Also, you made up the idea for the PowerPoint to reduce your sentence oh yeah, she came.

Speaker 3:

We came on one day.

Speaker 1:

She had a whole PowerPoint and you did that to reduce pictures picture hand drawn pictures of what have the PowerPoint hand? Drawn pictures of what Like headlights, saying what? Why I should be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, why she should get the car back and that sold it for you. It was an inconvenience for them, and I knew that so I Was why, when Kent said one month, I was like you just put me in jail for a month.

Speaker 1:

What are you? Doing Like that's a long time and I picked up extra activities, make it should have harbored better ways to punish well, next should replace your shampoo with like a beat.

Speaker 2:

Why the fuck would?

Speaker 1:

you do that, then I have no hair and then she'd have to pay.

Speaker 2:

Stop problem. That's not my problem speed.

Speaker 1:

Why'd you do that to your kid? I don't know. You're evil.

Speaker 3:

I hope you don't have any. You know the reason why the neighbor came and complained is because you flipped in the bird as you went by.

Speaker 1:

I flipped in the bird After he yelled at me. Okay next. He told you I flipped him off. That's not true.

Speaker 3:

I didn't flip him off until after you told me, before the band decided on the name, you know who's never flipped off a neighbor.

Speaker 1:

You know he's been yelled at neighbors more you. What was that sentence? You've been yelled at more by neighbors than me. Yell dad. Last time I checked I have footage of me yelling at someone.

Speaker 3:

You've had more altercation. I'm not getting excuse me. I want every sidebar what trivia.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, come at me again, neighbor, I'll take you out.

Speaker 3:

Before the band decided on the name Jonas brothers, what was it gonna be? K and J Jonas trio or sons of Jonas?

Speaker 1:

Son of Jonas.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yep. What is Joe's nickname? Your sister didn't get it right because there was no context.

Speaker 1:

Is it danger, something danger?

Speaker 3:

Yes, plus one. What is Nick's nickname? You should know that as your man.

Speaker 1:

I'm apparently not sure, if you just stop talking, so I could think G yer games lyrics door doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo-boo Something, nikki, jay, or no, mr President?

Speaker 3:

what famous festival hosted over 350,000 fans in 1969 is it's just.

Speaker 1:

Are we leaving Jonas Brothers?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've exited now there's one more day, so what?

Speaker 1:

fame in 1969. I'm gonna go ahead and say would stock, but I feel like we've had this one before, that's one now.

Speaker 3:

We have not For my lacyrus, recorded wrecking ball. It was offered to wet singer.

Speaker 1:

I can't.

Speaker 3:

You both will get this and there's no multiple choice.

Speaker 1:

I think it should be funny to picture someone else singing it. I'm gonna say Kelly Clarkson. That's where my mind was going. Your pink, who be on site?

Speaker 3:

so off-brand, okay. Last question, and it is multiple choice.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't need to be, but it is.

Speaker 3:

Well, I thought it needed to be. What is Mrs Jonas first name?

Speaker 1:

The mom yeah.

Speaker 3:

Mrs Jonas, several. Mrs Jonas, the OG the OG there's four three now to be.

Speaker 1:

I know the dad's name, the mom. I didn't get multiple.

Speaker 2:

She doesn't give yeah, give me no.

Speaker 1:

You gave her a clue in the first one and they didn't give me get multiple choice.

Speaker 3:

But you said of her name right away yeah, but you gave her multiple choice.

Speaker 1:

Are you Elaborated on number one? Yes, you did so. No, multiple choice.

Speaker 3:

Nope, that's not true, you would get it. You would explain what of the word in one a. Donna B, denise C.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's Denise.

Speaker 1:

It's doesn't count. That's a half a point because you gave her okay, do a tiebreaker. A new question. I don't have any more questions and ask us at the same time on camera.

Speaker 3:

And I any more questions.

Speaker 1:

Well, Kim, do you have a trivia question? What year did we meet Kim? I don't even know. I either of you know now. I know when I met Kim, I don't know when you make him. Well, could you do the math?

Speaker 3:

Kim, you're the financial person. Can you do the math? Don't you know when you would have introduced your kids? How?

Speaker 1:

long your friends with someone for you introduce your kids Well, but we knew each other and we were friends for a while before, Okay when did you get brought her over pick that year? What year did we do power out of high school? When you got started?

Speaker 3:

What year did we do power?

Speaker 1:

out of high school when you got super close, correct or no, was I in high school, you're out. Yeah, cuz 2013, I was in San Diego you have a hair on your mic, just blow it in the wind.

Speaker 3:

Don't blow into them my Anything tips. I feel like it's before that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we have different question because we need to know the answer for sure. Mom, you've had us your whole life. Think of a question about our lives, think of a question about this house.

Speaker 3:

What's the name? You guys named our ghost.

Speaker 1:

Harder question about this house. I knew you were gonna say that what I thought of a good one that I don't even know the answer to. What year was the pool installed? I know the answer okay, I can guess I can guess this. Are we going at the same time? Sure, but I have to think for a second. Okay, let's think for a second. I'm gonna guess. I know the grade, I just don't know the year, what that converts to if you know the grade, you should be able to do them out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna guess 2003, I'm gonna guess oh too.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That was close, so I win. You don't know, you don't that was a tiebreaker question.

Speaker 3:

I need to add you up. Then I have eight and a half and she has eight, she has eleven, you seven and a half. No, I said you had seven and a half, I hadn't added hers up and she said tiebreaker and I have eleven and she has seven and a half. I got sugar mocha and token and she can't remember tokens name and she's mad that I didn't tell her the one-eyed pony. She didn't give me a hint. She said a boy a boy pony.

Speaker 3:

There was only two pony. Would you have gotten it if you said he didn't?

Speaker 1:

have an eye. Yes, but that's a dead giveaway. That's not a giveaway of his name.

Speaker 3:

That's true. I would just like the record to reflect that Tiffany won this round and I didn't get who won the round last time by me.

Speaker 1:

I've always won. I think I've won every trivia my brain has you know important things to remember.

Speaker 3:

stack the questions in wait, don't turn it off.

Speaker 1:

We're not done. Sorry, she's all. I'm out. Fuck this she might drop my life like. Tom Sandoval, get the camera out of my face. Did you see that people are mad? He's ruining manicures.

Speaker 3:

He's fine, he's not it's not a good friend, does like he's ruining manicures.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz he gets manicures. So what? You're not powerful enough to ruin a whole thing. You know what I'm saying? Don't give him that much power. Thank you, mom, for twinkle sisters trivia. Okay, am I out? You can sit and listen if you want. I'm just gonna banter with Tony. Okay, you don't have to wow, she printed it out and everything. I know I appreciate how it prepared you get for the trivia. Oh, we got two different color. It was a little all over the place.

Speaker 3:

But you know, okay, in my defense I had to hurry up and do it because I had a surprise. We did have a visitor yesterday when I had planned to do it a lot of backlash on the surprise.

Speaker 1:

So no, I have absolutely a good surprise on this surprise a lot of well I didn't and well from both of you. I didn't know I didn't bring in fourth Mike. That's backlash, it sounds like you're internalizing that, nope.

Speaker 2:

And it's not personal, I don't know?

Speaker 1:

Is it not facts that I didn't know I would need a fourth, mike, or not? I was just talking about it. Anyway, here's my sister just being my sister. So what's new? Nothing. We already talked about. What's new? Bartending wise. It's interesting that you're doing that because you hate people and it's such a people-centered job. So how is that going? It's a different level. It's adults. It's not? Yeah, but you could say that drunk adults often are. Really. There's only like super fucked up people every now and then it's not every day. We get them sober. You can only get so fucked up in beer a certain amount of time. Do you make hard drinks? Yeah, and now what would you say? Your most popular drink is that I make? Yeah, that's got to soda. What's the hardest drink you've ever been asked to make? You boss for? Old-fashioned, but we can't make them. But that, technically, would be the hardest.

Speaker 1:

You, you can't because you don't have, we don't have all the ingredients Itters, yeah, and a couple of other things like the cherries a lot of things we don't have can't make it, so what don't you ask? What's the lady was like you make me martini? And I was like no, we don't have stuff for you.

Speaker 2:

You're part of your, martini. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

I'm serving you in a plastic cup and she's like, what do you have? And I was like the vodka and she did not think that was funny, but like that's all I have out of the martini. So what else is there over move? There's yes there's a lot of juice. Are you all secretive about the ingredients? You're like there's a lot of things. Does your boyfriend come visit you at work? Yes, is that stressful. Do you like that?

Speaker 2:

no, alone.

Speaker 1:

No, he comes, friends. That's probably better be weird if he's just watching you? Yeah, I wouldn't like that when he's there, do you feel like you're sort of on in like are? You know that's one customer I don't really have to worry about. He can wait an extra five minutes for his drink, I know, but are you trying to like look a little bit hot while you serve? No, because I'll constantly text me that I'm so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So you know he's there, so you don't need a porcelain.

Speaker 1:

Why'd I poor, slow, to look hot like you can't pour. So it comes out. The pace it comes out, I know, but you can pull your arm up slow. No, I'm not in slow motion, and he's not just sitting staring at me slow. You know who we might have to get on the pod at Christmas time? We'll see going down Tony's boyfriend. That sounds.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it that I'm leaving it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that segment is dead, isn't that? Sad little Kim will come up with the sad day. We need to play a sad song here. Hold on, let's have a moment of silence Through down in the dance. I'm gonna put a sabbatham listen moment of silence Editing tip here, and what I think I'll do instead is play the what's going down in Tony's DM song for one final time.

Speaker 3:

So turn it up? No, if we get Kim on an app.

Speaker 1:

Transfer it over. Oh shit, we can keep it going. Oh shit, shit.

Speaker 1:

Welcome for that wonderful idea don't, don't, it's a good one. You got a little someone near cheechy on your tata. Listen, if you're gonna be talking, put the mic to your mouth, cuz now you're just making it difficult. So you're enjoying being a bartender. I love it. Are you gonna do it for the foreseeable future? I plan on it. It's the best way to save money. Do tell how. What do you mean? You need to elaborate for the cherries. What do you mean? It's the best way to save money. What do you mean? What do I mean elaborate? It is a great Way to make money in a short amount of time. Right, so I can save. Get myself ahead, which I would like to do, okay, and I enjoy it. I really like where I'm at. I love the girls, there's a lot to do and I see famous people all the time and it's a casual setting, so like you can talk to them. It's not like I'm gonna hi.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't have. They have to talk to us, we're there. I'm helping you and you have to serve them. Yeah, yeah, and they're all very nice.

Speaker 1:

So where are you out on the friends front with people I work with? Do you have friends? Because last time we talked you were having sort of trouble with that. We have, because it's how do you do it and I worked alone. I don't work alone now, so it's much easier to Make friends. There's a handful of girls that I really enjoy spending my time with, happy for you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so kind of you have any questions for me and how happy are you that I'm here and I'm going with you? Seems like a question about you. I'm having a great time with you. I'm very excited. I'm very excited. It feels like.

Speaker 2:

But you know it all right.

Speaker 1:

But it kind of feel no, that ass, I was worried. You heard me sniffle upstairs. No like, literally, that is the most surprised I've ever been. Wow, oh yeah. So I'm really excited. So stay tuned, folks. By the time this comes out you all have already seen all the footage, but something tells me it's gonna be a top night. I'm gonna do everything I can to stand out, and God knows if I get that mic. Tony, put the camera on.

Speaker 2:

I Don't have it zoomed in On your own, just do it on your own, okay fine, because tensions are going to be high.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be hot and fast. I just go up there and say, hey, everyone, it's 10. No one's gonna know what that means. So are you guys burning up? Check out my podcast.

Speaker 1:

Go burn up onto my podcast. We'll work on it tonight. Oh God, editing tiff back again to insert a clip here from the concert Tony and I are singing fly with me, which is one of the Jonas Brothers most elite songs. If you don't know it, go listen immediately. Stop this show, just stop and go listen. But yes, you will hear Tony laugh as I try to hit that low. No, dj, selvage, do your thing, okay. Well, thank you for being here, ladies, it's been a treat, a dream. We'll talk to you around Christmas. I guess I'll have you back on. Yeah, and maybe her partner. No pressure, though. That will be up to him, right? No pressure to you, sir, because I know you're listening. Mom wants to share how she knew Tony had a boyfriend.

Speaker 3:

I knew it was serious when she asked me if there was room for a plus one at the end at the holidays. Because there's no room at the end during the holidays and I said, of course, there, I'll make room at the end.

Speaker 1:

What is the end for the cherries?

Speaker 3:

our home yeah and what'd you? Say duh. I said I would make room for him, but I needed his contact information so that I could Officially invite him yes, and she's been threatening him ever since. I had not. I threatened him last night briefly.

Speaker 1:

Cuz. He didn't tell her I was coming cuz why would he?

Speaker 3:

yeah, I said hey, I thought you're supposed to try and get on my good side. You could have told me she was coming.

Speaker 1:

Privileges are gonna be. I said I.

Speaker 3:

Said that he should try and be my ally. I was denied good luck, sir.

Speaker 1:

You do want to be on her side, but she can't tell your girlfriend right your girlfriend out, me and Tony have something to tell you. Oh yeah, we do. Haha, how does it? Okay, so we wanted, could you put the mic closer so we could have your reaction.

Speaker 3:

Oh, the Christmas self is not in the Christmas spirit.

Speaker 1:

No, she's not so speaking of telling people about their gifts early. I don't like to do that, but in this case we have to tell you something. We got you your Christmas gift and we want you telling me already.

Speaker 2:

We have to and I want to know this. You're gonna want preparation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and we didn't want to give you too much time to prepare, so that's why we're only telling you now.

Speaker 2:

But that's my trip money nope has to do with Christmas, yeah, christmas gifts.

Speaker 1:

So for the holidays We've gotten you family photo shoot while she's here. Oh, that'll be fun. Papa, we're gonna get updated pics, because you always say you want that love that.

Speaker 3:

where's our location?

Speaker 1:

I told her to find beautiful. It's her job, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what we're paying her for well, I love this, but why are you telling me now, so that you can get your outfit and figured out? Because if we told you, I'll just tell you when she's here.

Speaker 1:

We have a photo shoot tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

You'd freak out, yeah you would lose your damn Mom. Get a good outfit now for what? You're not getting engaged coordinated? Yeah, everyone has to know what is our coordination gonna be. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

We're trying to decide if we're gonna stick to do mismatchy, like there's pieces that go, but it's not all the same, but potentially an updated version of what it was like a denim moment.

Speaker 3:

Update version of the one from when you were yes in my tummy.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it could be a vibe and we're gonna break off. You and Kent will have some, me and Tony will have some you can't. Papa, the boys, okay, love it there.

Speaker 3:

We're welcome. Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, what an excellent gift.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, ladies, you're welcome, it's also from game. Thank you, gabriela joint you know what Marie out. Shit, she's coming for your segment, okay. Well, thank you, ladies for being on at the count of three. Let's all do it together one, two, three, bye, yes.

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